The Israeli society is small. When meeting each other for the first time, Israelis behave like provincial folks meeting at the big city. They’ll try to find common acquaintances from the kibbutz, the army or the university days. The society is so small, that often they’ll succeed in the task. Israeli Jews have another interesting sport: whenever a celebrity is mentioned, they’ll try to prove it has Jewish roots. “Obama? Oh, yes, he is a third Jew via the latest friend of his aunt!” they’ll exclaim with authority while munching pistachios. Since we aren’t racists, we must make the same exercise with respect to Nazi Germany. It didn’t take long to find the nastiest Nazi was not only Jewish, but also Israeli.Wait a minute. Israeli? The State of Israel didn’t exist during those days! Well, this is one of the wonders when dealing with an illegitimate state with no constitution, no set borders or even well-defined citizens. They can terrorize people at will and with impunity. They can also announce new types of aberrant societies (kibbutz), and illegitimate laws, with no one taking action. In German Law’s Holocaust, I commented how Israel dared legislating retroactive laws for the persecution of Adolf Eichmann and John Demjanjuk. Retroactive laws cannot be accepted as fair practice, regardless the justifications used for their approval. Thus, at least let’s be coherent. If you can pass retroactive laws for the sake of judging Nazis, then former Nazis turned into Israeli citizens must be treated as Israeli Nazis during the WWII. However, following the Goldstone and Beit Oranim Reports is quite clear Israelis cannot differentiate between good and evil; thus expecting from them coherency and logic is a bit too much, as the events to be mentioned prove. In 2007, Salomon (a.k.a. Shlomo) Morel died as an Israeli in Tel Aviv, where he was a citizen since 1994. He left Poland that year, after inquiries began for his war crimes during WWII and right after it. His crimes were backed by over a hundred witnesses, including 58 former inmates; compare that with the very questionable evidences –possibly forgeries – and no witnesses in the case of John Demjanjuk. The main event refers to the period in which he was commander of the Zgoda camp in Poland, between March and November 1945. Between 1500 and 2000 inmates were tortured to death. It seems Morel took special joy in the perpetration of these murders. Morel's case was brought to light in the 1990s when a US Jewish journalist, John Sack, published a book detailing alleged "revenge killings" by Jews placed in charge of prison camps at the end of the war. In 2004, Poland requested his extradition from Israel. What an opportunity for the Zionist regime to prove it backs the rule of law! Instead, Israel refused. Polish prosecutors said Israel refused the request because there was "no basis whatsoever" to extradite Morel, the Associated Press reported. A prosecutor at Poland's Institute for National Remembrance - which investigates war-era crimes - criticized the decision, alluding to Israel's support of the prosecution of elderly people accused of genocide against Jews during the war. “There should be one measure for judging war criminals, irrespective whether they are German, Israeli or any other nationality,” said Ewa Koj from the Polish Institute for National Remembrance. Her words have special importance while considering the Israeli government said in July 2005 that this request was formally refused because the more serious charges were rejected as being false, potentially part of an anti-Semitic conspiracy, and again rejected extradition on the grounds that the statute of limitations against Morel had run out, and that Morel was in poor health. An anti-Semitic conspiracy. All of the sudden, conspiracies are legitimate, well, and flourishing. But, of course, this holds only in the case of conspiracies against Jews, Israel Israeli informs us. After this charade, Poland surrendered. This article was the perfect sequel to German Law’s Holocaust, published just after the conviction of John Demjanjuk. Sometimes one may get the impression I choose old and irrelevant issues, but that’s not so. These events always illuminate basic fallacies turned into ongoing crimes. For example, in the case of Kav 300, the name of the ruthless assassin is known by all. Shin Beth’s agent Ehud Yatom was the assassin. He is still free, meaning he is supported by the State of Israel. This means that the state rejects its own laws, which forbid murder. Thus, the State of Israel defines itself as a criminal entity. Despite the time since the event, nothing has changed. Despite the time, similar crimes are committed daily, since this injustice is not being corrected. If the Morel case had been properly addressed, we wouldn’t have seen - or would have seen a shortened version, to be more exact – of the vicious and illegitimate persecution of John Demjanjuk. No man should be put to trial three times on account of the same events until the desired verdict is reached. Unsolved, it led to the shameful verdict by a German court. Unsolved, these two events assure more injustice is to be committed by – and in the name – of Israel and western states. After all, it seems the nastiest Nazi was not only Jewish, but also an Israeli. Could the Simon Wiesenthal Center please address this? Hosea 14:9 Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein. |
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Saturday, January 14, 2012
The Nastiest Nazi
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